A job we carried out for a school using LazyLawn Meadow Twist

What the job consisted of

We carried out a job in a school which consisted of removing an old fence. This enclosed an area and we layed down a 5m wide roll of Meadow twist. This job aimed to make an unused area look more aesthetic and presentable. This would allow kids of the school to use it. Meadow twist was used as the grass has high density and rolls really well with the shape of the job which was encountered. The 5m wide roll allowed the piece to be easily installed with one roll however certain sections had to be cut out to fit the shape of the area which was firstly closed off by the fence.


Lazy Meadow Twist

Lazy Meadow is used in a variety of different places due to the properties which the grass holds. Meadow is a durable high density surface which is a popular choice for offices, gyms, crazy golf and projects for events. The Meadow model grass comes in a variety of different colours such as green, red, grey, blue and orange. The grass is UV stable and fully recyclable. It is suitable for high traffic areas. This is why the grass was used for the school job which was carried out. Meadow Twist is made up of a two-tone mix of polypropylene yarn colours to give the product added depth and character.

Meadow grass is a versatile artificial grass surface and it looks good from every angle. This choice of grass is common for commercial and domestic uses as it is a soft feeling grass which can make an area look clean and comforting. Meadow Twist is a popular type of artificial grass that the community love. Its variety of different styles is suitable for many places which makes it such a popular type of artificial grass.


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