Wonder Yarn Artificial Lawns projects in Sunderland and Gateshead
Recent wonder yarn artificial lawns projects in Sunderland and Gateshead, we used the 26mm size in both applications. (more…)Read more →
Artificial Lawn Project In Sunderland Using Wonder Yarn 26mm
Recent artificial lawn project in Sunderland, for the grass we used LazyLawn's Wonder Yarn 26mm for its natural appearance. Even the dog is loving the new artificial grass. The project also included the installation of a new shed/garden house, this was completed by Durham Timber Products Limited, Colliery Road, Bear Park, Durham. DH7 7AU, 0191 3750545 [gallery size="medium" ids="2801,2798,2797,2796"]Read more →
Recent Artificial Lawn Installation In Sunderland Tyne & Wear
We have recently carried out a stunning artificial lawn installation in Sunderland, Tyne & Wear. For the project we used LazyLawns Wonder Yarn 26 for the artificial lawn installation. As you will see from the photos below the finished project looked fantastic, the artificial lawn was shaped around the current paving which made the finished result look even more realistic. The customer now has a beautiful low maintenance lawn which looks very realistic without the hassle of mowing and weeding, just a lovely lawn all year round. (more…)Read more →